Author/Editor     Pinter, B; Andolšek, L
Title     Spolno vedenje ljubljanskih srednješolcev
Translated title     Sexual behavior of secondary-school students in Ljubljana
Type     članek
Source     Slov Pediatr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 2, št. 4
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 13-6
Language     slo
Abstract     The aim of the study was to determine the characteristics of sexual behaviour of secondary-school students in Ljubljana. The research was conducted on a representatiaive sample of 1670 female and male secondary-school students (923 first-grade and 747 third-grade students) in spring 1994. We found that the knowledge about the use of condom (93%) was very good, but other contraceptive methods, among others also the pill, were not so well known. A half of students (50%) considered their knowlege about the contraception as insuficient. The most important sources of information were friends (45%), school (35%) and books (32%). Only one third of students (37%) have talked about sexuality with their parents; almost two thirds (62%) thought that thiis communication was insuficient. Sexual intercourse ever had 29% of the first-grade students and 49% of the third-grade students. The main decision for the first sexual intercourse was love (60%), curiosity (40%) and sexual pleasure (32%). The method used at first intercourse was condom (47%), or no method was used (32%); at the time of the study they most often used condom (53%), no method (15%) or the pill (13%). The average number of their sexual parters was 2.6 and a half of sexually active students had more than three intercourses per month. Almost all (93%) had knowledge about AIDS and 75% were afraid of being infected with HIV. The knowledge about other sexually trasmitted diseases was less sufficient. We may conclude, that the knowledge about contraception and sexually transmitted diiseases among secondary-school students is insufficient, that they have variable sexual life and want more information about sexuality.