Author/Editor     Gostiša, Andreja
Title     Transplantacija organov pri otroku
Translated title     Organ transplantation in children
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 66, št. 1
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 21-5
Language     slo
Abstract     Backgound. Transplantation of organs (kidney, liver, heart, lung, bowl) has become an important mode of therapy for end-stage organ failure in children. The likelihood of a favourable outcome is steadily increasing, especially after kindey and partial or complete liver transplant surgery. Conclusions. Drawing on her own experience, the author points out the value of good cooperation with the parents before and after the procedure. Preoperative preparation of the child is described and the hazards and management of infection in the immunocompromised patient are explained. A major section of the paper is devoted to intensive care of the paediatric patient following organ transplant surgery. Thanks to advances in microsurgical technique, these operations are now feasible already in the newborn period. Follow-up of the patient receiving immunosuppressive therapy is not limited to function of the transplanted organ(-s), but encompasses also the child's growth, psychosocial development and protection against infections typical of the childhood period as well as those associated with impaired immune resistance. The paper closes with a tabular presentation of the principal indications for organ transplant surgery in children.
Summary     Izhodišča. Presaditev organov (ledvice, jetra, srce, pljuča, črevo) pri njihovi dokončni odpovedi je tudi v otroškem obdobju postala uspešna oblika zdravljenja. Možnosti ugodnega poteka so vedno večje, zlasti po presaditvi ledvic in jeter, ali njihovega dela. Zaključki. Avtorica - tudi na osnovi lastnih izkušenj - poudarja pomen dobrega sodelovanja s starši pred presaditvijo organa in po njej. Razložena je priprava otroka na kirurški poseg in poudarjena nevarnost ter zdravljenje okužb pri bolnikih, ki so imunsko prizadeti. Posebnosti intenzivnega zdravljenja po presaditvi organa(-ov) so prikazane obširneje. Ker spodnja starostna meja ob napredku mikrokirurške tehnike ni več omejena, se že od dobe novorojenčka odpira novo področje sledenja otrok po presaditvi. Slednje ne zadeva le delovanje presajenega(-ih) organ(-ov), temveč tudi rast in psihosocialni razvoj otroka, ki prejema imunosupresivna zdravila, njegovo zaščito pred okužbami, značilnimi za otroško obdobje, in onimi, ki so nevarne otrokom zaradi omejene imunske odpornosti. Ob koncu prispevka so v tabeli navedene glavne indikacije za presaditev organov v otroški dobi.