Avtor/Urednik | Hoyer, Silva | |
Naslov | Pregled nekaterih dokumentov SZO in UNICEF, pomembnih za pospeševanje, spodbujanje in vzdrževanje dojenja | |
Prevedeni naslov | Surway of some WHO and UNICEF documents, important for promoting, stimulating and maintaining of breast-feeding | |
Tip | članek | |
Vir | Zdrav Vars | |
Vol. in št. | Letnik 36, št. 1-2 | |
Leto izdaje | 1997 | |
Obseg | str. 60-3 | |
Jezik | slo | |
Abstrakt | Breast-feeding resp. infant nutrition with mother's milk as the only natural nutrition in the infant period has in 60-ies and 70-ies frighteningly decreased so in developed as in underdeveloped world. The reason for this was the development of children's food industry and especially of adapted kinds of milk which was accompanied by aggressive advertising. Catastrophical consequences in children's health, which were especially evident in hygienically underdeveloped environments, were soon to be seen. First document regulating the conditions on this domain was published by WHO already in 1981. UNICEF joined later on and now both organizations together stimulate many activities for the revival of breast-feeding. In the article the most important documents are presented which should regulate the infant nutrition and achieve that breast-feeding of infants becomes the only nutrition up to 4 - 6 months of age and the continuation of breast-feeding with adequate supplements up to the end of the first year or even into the second or the third year, according to the wishes of mother and child. Added is a short supplement about the situation in Slovenia. | |
Izvleček | Dojenje oz. prehrana otrok z materinim mlekom kot edina naravna prehrana v obdobju dojenčka, je 60. in 70 letih zastrašujoče upadla v razvitem kot tudi v nerazvitem svetu. Vzrok temu je bil razvoj industrije otroške prehrane in še posebej prilagojenih vrst mleka, kar je spremljalo agresivno reklamiranje. Kmalu so se pokazale katastrofalne posledice pri zdravju otrok, kar je bilo še posebno izrazito v higiensko nerazvitih okoljih. SZO je že leta 1981 izdala prvi dokument, ki bi naj urejal razmere na tem področju. Kasneje se je pridružil še UNICEF in obe organizaciji skupaj spodbujata mnoge aktivnosti za povrnitev k dojenju. V članku so predstavljeni najpomembnejši dokumenti, ki bi naj uredili prehrano dojenčkov in dosegli dojenje otrok, kot edino prehrano do 4-6 mesecev starosti in nadaljevanje dojenja s primernimi dodatki do konca prvega leta ali še v drugo oz. tretje leto, kakor pač želita mati in otrok. Na koncu je kratek dodatek o stanju v Sloveniji. | |