Author/Editor     Šušterčič, D; Funduk, N
Title     Uporaba erbijevega laserja v sklenini in dentinu
Translated title     Enamel and dentine treatment by the erbium yag laser
Type     članek
Source     Zobozdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 52, št. 2
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 69-73
Language     slo
Abstract     Erbium laser light is very well absorbed in water present in hard dental tissues. It therefore removes these tissues by a special thermomechanical process - ablation. Enamel, dentine and caries are removed in thin layers of few micrometers, no thermal damage being caused to the adjacent hard tissue or pulp. Since the erbium laser is a high energy laser, appropriate preventive measures must be undertaken during work: protective glasses should be worn by the dentist, the assistant and the patient, and a signal light and warning should be placed on the door. The paper present some clinical applications of erbium lasers in dentistry. The procedures for the removal of carious lesions, enamel, dentine and composite materials, as well as the procedure of conditioning the tooth surface to improve adhesion are described. On the basis of our clinical work, we conclude that the erbium laser is a suitable tool for selective removal of hard dental tissues. The treatment causes almost no pain, unpleasant vibrations or noise. The method is very appropriate for class V cavity preparations and reasonably fast for other preparations. When greater amounts of hard tissue must be removed, the dental drill is more efficient.
Descriptors     LASERS