Author/Editor     Nolimal, Dušan; Rode, Nino; Kocmur, Dare
Title     Skupina za samopomoč uživalcev drog, program izmenjave brizg in igel in preprečevanje aidsa
Translated title     The self-help of drug abusers, the programme of needels and syringes exange and the prevention of AIDS
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 36, št. 5-6
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 149-52
Language     slo
Abstract     Group for self-help drug abusers in Ljubljana, called Stigma, is carriing out its programme on needles and syringes exchange which is unique in the state since 1991. 520 drug abusers with 2505 attendances collaborated in the programme since 1 st of January 1995 tukk 11 st October 1996. There were 11,3% single attendances. 26.798needles were issued and 6.385 returned, which presents almost a quarter (23,8%) of the issued ones. Attendences inceased in 1996, which made possible a more permanent work of Stigma. Increased atteased attendance shows the need for a further strengthening of such activity.
Summary     Skupina za samopomoč uživalcev drog v Ljubljani, imenovana Stigma, že od leta 1991 izvaja program izmenjave brizg in igel, ki je edinstven v državi. Od 1. januarja 1995 do 11. oktobra 1996 je v programu sodelovalo 520 uporabnikov drog z 2.505 obiski. 11,3% je bilo le enkratnih obiskov. Izdano je bilo 26.798, vrnjeno pa 6.385 igel, kar pomeni že skoraj četrtino (23,8%) izdanih igel. Ibisk se je v letu 1996 povečal, kar gre pripisati predvsem kadrovskim spremembam, ki so omogočile stalnejše delo Stigme. Povečan obisk kaže na potrebo po krepitvi takšne dejavnosti.