Author/Editor     Kosi, Gorazd; Vrhovšek, Dani
Title     Sladkovodne alge
Translated title     Freshwater algae
Type     članek
Source     In: Gregori J, Martinčič A, Tarman K, et al, editors. Narava Slovenije, stanje in perspektive: zbornik prispevkov o naravni dediščini Slovenije; 1996; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Društvo ekologov Slovenije,
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 143-6
Language     slo
Abstract     Presented in the article is the threat status of the freshwater species of algae in relation to that of some freswater ecosystems. Outlined is a historical survey of algology in the territory of Slovenia, together with the list of the algae species the classic habitat of which is Slovenia.
Descriptors     ECOSYSTEM