Avtor/Urednik     Čoh, Milan; Škof, Branko; Kugovnik, Otmar; Dolenec, Aleš; Kampmiller, Tomaš; Laczo, Eugen; Holček, Roman; Šelinger, Peter
Naslov     Kinematic-dynamic characteristics of maximal velocity of young sprinters
Prevedeni naslov     Kinematično-dinamične značilnosti največje hitrosti mladih šprinterjev
Tip     članek
Vir     Kinesiologia Slovenica
Vol. in št.     Letnik 2, št. 1
Leto izdaje     1995
Obseg     str. 5-10
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Sprinting speed is a complex ability whose physiological base is mostly genetically defined. Top competition results are therefore as a rule attainable only for a small, select number of individuals. The purpose of this study was to find the most important kinematic dynamic parameters, their development trend and their influence on the efficiency in maximal sprinting speed for young sprinters of both sexes, from eleven to eighteen years of age. We recorded kinematical and dynamical parameters with a locomometer. The vertical pressure on the surface was calculated by biomechanical modelling of running steps. We calculated the correlation between maximal sprinting speed and kinematical and dynamical parameters. The results show, for both sexes, that the structure of the sprint stride changes drastically in connection to the stride length and frequency, the ratio between the contact and the flight phases and the vertical pressure on the surface. The correlation coefficients show that the duration of contact (R=0.71), the relative stride frequency (R=0.52) and the vertical pressure on the surface (R=0.89) are good indicators of the sprinting potential of young runners.
Deskriptorji     KINESIS