Avtor/Urednik     Antolič, Ivo
Naslov     Retrospektiva predvojne in povojne ortodontske dejavnosti na območju Slovenije
Prevedeni naslov     Retrospective of pre-war and after-war orthodontics in Slovenia
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Vulikić V, Zupanič-Slavec Z, editors. Zbornik referatov Prof. dr. Jože Rant - organizator slovenskega zobozdravstva: spominski simpozij ob stoletnici rojstva prof. dr. J. Ranta z mednarodno udeležbo. 4. Pintarjevi dnevi; 1996 apr 18-19; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Medicinska fakulteta, Inštitut za zgodovino medicine,
Leto izdaje     1996
Obseg     str. 15-24
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The author describes the professional career of dr. Jože Rant, from his pre-war beginnings as a private dental practitioner in Ljubljana, to his after-war period when he became a notable personality. In 1945 he was appointed the first Slovene professor of "clinical stomatology", and later on, professor of orthodontics and jaw orthopedics respectively. At that time, he was the only orthodontist in Slovenia, therefore it was not easy for him to performs his profession. During the first five years, he introduced the courses to train dental technicians in orthodontics and "centralized" the profession in Slovenia. Dr. Rant introduced the European removable methods of teeth correction. He opposed the Angle's fixed technique, which was too expensive for poor countries, and introduced Schwarz's removable active plate instead. Professor Rant educated a great number of medical doctors, stomatologists and specialists, which are recognized at home and abroad. In 1970 his book "Maxillary and dental orthopedics" was published. On that occasion, a film recording was made which was the first filmed document at the Medical faculty in Ljubljana. For his 80th birthday he held a memorial lecture for a large audience of medical workers. The film was made possible by: Ivo Antolič (idea), Andreja Arher (photography) and Ivo Pavšič (direction).
Deskriptorji     ORTHODONTICS