Avtor/Urednik     Ščuka, L
Naslov     Vpliv salinomicina na dnevni prirast prašičev - metaanaliza
Prevedeni naslov     The effect of salinomycin on the daily gain in pigs - the meta-analysis
Tip     članek
Vir     Zb Vet Fak Univ Ljublj
Vol. in št.     Letnik 34, št. 1
Leto izdaje     1997
Obseg     str. 107-15
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The meta-analysis refers to the statistical analysis, used for combining and examining the results of several independent clinical tests, which are possible to be combined according to the analyst. The meta-analysis can, if well performed, give some practical answers to difficult and clinical questions subject to controversy and lower the expenses of additional clinical experiments. The meta-analysis method was used to examine and evaluate the effect of the Salinomycin antibiotic on the average daily gain in pigs. Salinomycin as an additive to the feed for pigs was dealt with in 24 studies, which apart from the fattening characteristics also disscused the carcass characteristics, the influence of Salinomycin on the digestibility of energy and fibres, the reproduction parametres and metabolism of nitrogen. Twelve studies were removed: those with badly planned clinical experiments and undefined statistical methods (3 studies), those in which Salinomycin was not dealt with as a growth promotor (5 studies) and those in which the data available was insufficient (4 studies). The results make clear that a 50 ppm Salinomycin dose in a total feed mixture is a successful growth promotor in the beginning of the fattening period (P<0.01) as the results are statistically different in comparison with the control group and they are homogeneous as well (P<0.2). A 20 ppm Salinomycin dose was proved to be more efficacious than the dose administered to the control group in the final fattening period (P<0.001). 60 ppm, 80 ppm and 100 ppm Salinomycin doses proved to be the most efficacious during all the periods of fattening but if the test of homogeneity is regarded, the conclusion that a 50 ppm Salinomycin dose in the final feed mixture is the most efficacious can be reached. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).