Avtor/Urednik     Miksić, Kazimir; Flis, Vojko; Tetičkovič, Erik
Naslov     Kirurško zdravljenje anevrizem notranje karotide
Prevedeni naslov     Surgical treatment of internal carotid aneurysms
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 66, št. 5
Leto izdaje     1997
Obseg     str. 235-7
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Background. Nine cases of extracranial carotid artery aneurysms are reportec on. Five were fusiform located at the carotid bifurcation and four saccular confined to internal carotid artery. Methods. End to end plication technique and Dacron patch angioplasty were applied for all fusiform aneurysms. Results. In three saccular aneurysms resection and PTFE graft interposition were carried on. In one case with an aneurysm, located very close to cranium, ligation of the carotid artery was performed. Ligation resulted in severe postoperative stroke and fatal outcome. One patient with a saccular aneurysm developed transient ischemic attack after the operation. In other patients no neurologic deficit was produced by surgery itself. Transient cranial nerve damage resulted in two patients (hypoglossal nerve). Damage spontaneously improved after two and four months. As demonstrated by our cases synthetic material may be used in restoration of the cartoid artery. Conclusions. Authors conclude that according to the type, location of the aneurysm and adequacy of contralateral blood flow selective management is necessary.
Izvleček     Izhodišča. Avtorji poročajo o devetih primerih kirurškega zdravljanja anevrizem na zunajlobanjskem delu notranje karotide. Pet bolnikov je imelo vretenasto anevrizmo, ostali vrečasto. Metode. Pri vseh vretenastih anevrizmah smo uporabili tehniko skrajšave (notranja plikacija) s kritjem z dakronsko krpico. Rezultati. Pri treh vrečastih anevrizmah je bila napravljena resekcija z vstavitvijo proteze iz umetne snovi. Pri enem bolniku, kjer je anevrizma ležala tesno ob lobanjskem dnu, smo bili zaradi hude krvavitve arterijo prisiljeni podvezati. Bolnik je umrl tretji dan po operaciji zaradi obsežnega možganskega infarkta. En bolnik je imel takoj po operaciji prehodne ishemične nevrološke izpade, ki so izginili peti dan po operaciji. Dva bolnika sta imela po operaciji zmerno okvaro 12. možganskega živca, ki je izzvenela po dveh oziroma štirih mesecih. Zaključki. Avtorji zaključujejo, da je pri zdravljenju bolnikov z anevrizmo zunajlobanjskega dela notranje karotide potreben selektivni pristop. Pri tehtanju možnih načinov zdravljenja bodo poleg bolnikovega splošnega stanja odločilni predvsem oblika in lega anevrizme ter stanje možganske prekrvitve.
Deskriptorji     ANEURYSM