Author/Editor     Fabiani, O; Marchetti, GL; Tavanti, M; Cicalo', A; Pellegrini, S
Title     Neuroendocrine cells in gastroenteric apparatus of the selachian fish "Scyliorhinus canucula"
Type     članek
Source     In: Cestnik V, Pogačnik A, editors. Referati 6. Zavrnikovega spominskega sestanka; 1995 nov 9-11; Lipica. Ljubljana: Veterinarska fakulteta,
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 31-4
Language     eng
Abstract     The present study was performed to identify the neuroendocrine cells in duodenum in the selachian fish "Scyliorhinus canicula". The organs were taken from 10 subjects of 500 g in weight, than fixed with glutaric solutions, postfixed with 0s04 and embedded in epoxy resins. Ultrathin sections of the specimens allowed us to identify, both in the covering that in the glandular epithelium, nine neuroendocrine cellular types. Six of these cellular types, identified with high realiability, are comparable with the following classes of neuroendocrine cells, described by previous authors in the gastro-enteric-pancreatic system of mammals and birds: EC, EC-L, Dl, D, A-like and PP. The seventh, eigth and ninth cellular types are instead reconductable to neuroendocrine cells present in other species of fishes.