Author/Editor     Tavanti, M; Cicalo', A; Casarosa, L; Fabiani, O; Pellegrini, S
Title     The composition in muscular fibres and connective tissue of longissimus dorsi and semimembranosus muscles in steers of "chianina" breed, fed up with low or high nutritive level: histochemical, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study
Type     članek
Source     In: Cestnik V, Pogačnik A, editors. Referati 6. Zavrnikovega spominskega sestanka; 1995 nov 9-11; Lipica. Ljubljana: Veterinarska fakulteta,
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 75-8
Language     eng
Abstract     The investigation was performed in two groups of male steers of "Chianina" breed twenty months old, grown respectively with high or low nutritive level. An additional group of six months old calves (at weaning) was examined. The aim of this research is to evaluate if diet could influence the composition of the examined muscles. Histological samples of the Longissimus dorsi (Ld) and Semimembranosus (Sm) muscles were frozen with liquid nitrogen. The ultra-thin sections were submitted to histochemical reactions (myosinic ATPase, NADH-TR and M-alfa-GPDH) to identify the different types of muscular fibres. To evaluate the percentage of perimysial connective tissue serial sections were tested with immunohistochemical reactions. Contigue sections were fixed with glutaraldheyde, embedded in epoxy resins and observed at T.E.M. The specimens were examined using a computering image analysis system. Both in the two examined groups of animals, increasing the age, higher quantity of connective tissue was found and the increase of the average area of the fibres, sectioned transversally, was emphasized. Besides, the percentage of the three types of muscularftibres showed variability owing to the different diet.
Descriptors     MUSCLE, SKELETAL