Author/Editor     Schnoebelen-Combes, S; Louveau, I; Bonneau, M
Title     Developmental pattern of GH receptor in pig skeletal muscle
Type     članek
Source     In: Cestnik V, Pogačnik A, editors. Referati 6. Zavrnikovega spominskega sestanka; 1995 nov 9-11; Lipica. Ljubljana: Veterinarska fakulteta,
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 83-6
Language     eng
Abstract     The present study was undertaken to examine plasma IGF-I concentrations and the expression of GH receptor (GHR) in pig skeletal muscle comparatively to liver from the last third of gestation until 1 year of age in male Large White (LW) and Meishan (MS) pigs. GHR (mRNA and specific binding) was detected in skeletal muscle from 75 days of gestation until adult stage with no clear age-related change. By contrast, in foetal liver, liver, GHR was barely detectable. After birth, hepatic GHR (mRNA and specific binding) increased with age. GH binding to liver was higher in MS than in LW pigs at 1, 45, 80 and 120 days of age. Plasma IGF-I concentration increased between 75 days of gestation and 180 days of age and decreased thereafter. It was higher in LW than in MS pigs at 180 and 365 days of age. It can be concluded that 1) neither plasma IGF-I nor GHR expression can account for the growth differences between LW and MS pigs, 2) the developmental expression of the GHR is tissue- specific, 3) the presence of GHR in foetal skeletal muscle suggests that GH may play a role in foetal muscle growth.
Descriptors     MUSCLE, SKELETAL