Author/Editor | Hoyer, Silvestra; Stjepanovič, Aleksandra | |
Title | Spolna vzgoja mladostnikov | |
Translated title | Sexual education of adolescents | |
Type | članek | |
Source | Obz Zdrav Nege | |
Vol. and No. | Letnik 31, št. 3-4 | |
Publication year | 1997 | |
Volume | str. 147-53 | |
Language | slo | |
Abstract | The article presents the results of a small scale research study on the sexual education of adolescents, carried out in the frames of the graduate paper in the study program on nursing care. Sixty-two third year students of the Nursing High School and High School in Ljubljana were interviewed. The students were interviewed about how much sexual education they receive from parents, from school and from health centers. The results showed that sexual education of adolescents is deficient which exposes the need for better performance, especially in health and educational institutions which should also be able to assist those parents who are, due to their prejudices, inable to carry this educational task out themselves. Continuity and cooperation of all the above mentioned factors is important for their participation in healthy development of children, their personality growth and for the preparation for healty sexual respectively successful married and family life. | |
Summary | Članek predstavlja krajše raziskave na temo spolne vzgoje mladostnikov, ki je bila opravljena kot diplomsko delo v študijskem programu zdravstvena nega. Anketiranih je bilo 62 dijakov tretjih letnikov Srednje zdravstvene šole in Gimnazije v Ljubljani. Srednješolce smo spraševali o tem, kako in v kolikšni meri izvajajo spolno vzgojo starši, šola in zdravstveni domovi. Rezultati kažejo, da je spolna vzgoja mladostnikov pomanjkljiva, kar kaže na potrebo za kvalitetnejšo izvedbo le-te, posebno v zdravstvenih in šolskih ustanovah, ki naj tudi dajejo podporo tistim staršem, ki ne znajo ali zaradi predsodkov niso sposobni izpeljati te vzgojne naloge. Pomembna je povezanost in sodelovanje vseh omenjenih dejavnikov, kajti le tako bo možno prispevati k zdravemu razvoju otrok, njihovemu osebnostnemu oblikovanju ter pripravi na zdravo spolnost ter uspešen zakon in družino. | |