Author/Editor     Drnovšek-Olup, B; Vedlin, B
Title     The use of Er:YAG laser in dermatology and plastic surgery
Type     članek
Source     In: Antypas G, editor. International laser congress. Lasers at the dawn of the 3rd millennium; 1996 Sep 25-28; Athens. Bologna: Monduzzi editore,
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 137-40
Language     eng
Abstract     Er:YAG laser ablates and cuts tissue with surgical precision with minimal collateral thermal damage. The wavelength of the Er:YAG laser (2940 nm) is strongly absorbed by liquid water in tissue. During the last two years 66 patients were treated for different benign skin disorders, scars and wrinkles. The lesions were irradiated with single pulse laser energies 80-800 mJ, repetition rates 2-15 Hz and spot diameters 2-8 mm. Epidermis was effectively removed on a layer-by-layer basis. Energy densities higher than 2.5 J/cm2 were required for the ablation. The haemostatic effect was achieved by applying a sequence of 3 to 10 Er:YAG laser pulses of lower energy density (0.5-1.5J/cm2). No pretreatment therapy was performed. Healing was quick and without apparent scarring. Patients discomfort was mild. Follow -up period is up to 15 months.
Descriptors     LASER SURGERY