Author/Editor     Kadivec, Saša; Peternelj, Andreja
Title     Zdravstvena nega bolnika s KOPB
Translated title     Nursing care of patients with COPD
Type     članek
Source     In: Šorli J, editor. Zbornik predavanj Obravnava bolnika s KOPB (predlogi za nacionalna priporočila); 1997 jun 13-14; Portorož. Ljubljana: Pnevmološka sekcija Slovenskega zdravniškega društva,
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 103-6
Language     slo
Abstract     The patients with COPD are severe, chronic patients. Their treatment is demanding a lot of general and special knowledge from the part of nurse. She is planning the health care of each patient individually and entirely. For planning the nursing care, all stages of health care process should be applied according to the needs of each patient. In patient with COPD several problems are present, including breathing, nutrition, expression of his/her feelings, avoidance of dangers in the environment as well as the maintenance of physical activity. The patient and his/her family could control his/her disease with appropriate way of life, the nursing care being thus of great importance. During the application of the health care plan and after it, the nurse should evaluaie all the procedures. In case the problems of the patient havente been solved, a new plan of the nursing care should be carried out.