Author/Editor     Rant, J; Ilić, R; Pregl, G; Leskovar, P; Žnidar, B
Title     The sensitivity of neutron radiography for detection of aluminium corrosion products
Type     članek
Source     In: Barton JP, Farny G, Person J-L, et al, editors. Neutron radiography. Proceedings of the 2nd world conference; 1986 Jun 16-20; Paris. Dordrecht: D. Reidel publishing company,
Publication year     1987
Volume     str. 455-62
Language     eng
Abstract     Within a feasibility study concerning the introduction of neutron radiography as a nondestructive method into the domestic aircraft industry and for the maintenance of domestic commercial civil aircraft, the sensitivity of neutron radiography for detection of Al corrosion products was studied experimentally. The mass thickness of a large area surface corrosion deposit which could be easily detected through thick (1 - 2 cm) Al slabs was found to be at least 0.02 g.sm2. The minimal detectable mass thickness of corrosion products depends on the relative amount of Al(OH)3 and A10(OH), moisture and possible organic materials in their composition and should be in the range of 0.01 - 0.02 g/cm2.
Descriptors     RADIOGRAPHY