Author/Editor     Škof, Marija
Title     Človek v sistemu jedrske elektrarne
Translated title     Human being in the system of nuclear power plant
Type     članek
Source     Delo Varn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. 1
Publication year     1993
Volume     str. 2-9
Language     slo
Abstract     Human in the system of nuclear power plant works as a conducter (system's operation on different levels), as a maintenaner (maintenance works on different subsystems) and as a supporter (in technological supporting activities assures keeping chemical, radiological and nuclear mediums in safety limits). Assurance of nuclear safety psychicaly loads. The most important are emotional loads as a consequence of awareness of responsibility for nuclear safety and as a consequence of influence of different situations. Adequate level of human performance in nuclear power plant demands adequate level of cognitive abilities. The highest level of cognitive abilities is neccessary in operational situations, the lowest level of them is in assistant's activities. Effective and in time intervention in the process on the system demands high sensoric abilities: the highest level of perceptive abilities are demanding in operation's task, quite high level of perceptive abilities are demanded also at the maintenance work in the contrelled area.
Descriptors     POWER PLANTS