Avtor/Urednik     Berkopec, Barbara; Vidic, Andrej
Naslov     Ekološki problemi sterilizacije z etilenoksidom v Sloveniji
Prevedeni naslov     Ecological problems of sterilization with etylenoxide in Slovenia
Tip     članek
Vir     Delo Varn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 41, št. 3
Leto izdaje     1996
Obseg     str. 129-33
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Sterilization of food and medical equipment by ethylene oxide (ETO) involves definite risks. ETO is a significant health hazard for human and animals, and is also a potential explosive. Experimental results in eight sterilization plants in Slovenia are given and the ecological problems caused by ETO in Slovenia such as professional exposure to ETO in the working environment, emissions of ETO into the atmosphere and residues of ETO in sterilized materials are discussed. An assessment of the current state of ETO chemical sterilization plants in Slovenia is given, and measures which need to be taken to improve their safety regime suggested.
Deskriptorji     STERILIZATION