Author/Editor     Kofol-Seliger, Andreja; Cegnar, Tanja
Title     Meritve koncentracije cvetnega prahu v Ljubljani
Translated title     Measurements of pollen concentration in Ljubljana
Type     članek
Source     Meseč Bilt - Hidrometeorol Zavod R Slov
Vol. and No.     Letnik 4, št. 6
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 40-3
Language     slo
Abstract     In June airborne pollen of grass, sweet chestnut and plantain is the most important from the allergological point of view. The highest average daily concentration of grass pollen was reached at the beginning of June. The counts at the rest of the month were moderate to low due to the unsettled weather conditions. Last year there were 15 days with high counts of grass pollen comparing to 5 days this year. Pollen of sweet chestnut began to appear on 10 June and the highest daily average concentrations were reached on 28 and 29 June. This year the airborne pollen of sweet chestnut began to appear six days later then last year, but the maximal concentration was reached only one day later. Pollen from urticaceae family was present all month round in the air. Counts of plantain, lime tree and privet pollen were very low.
Descriptors     AIR POLLUTION