Avtor/Urednik     Janež-Bizjak, Majda; Bizjak, Igor
Naslov     Akutni skrotum
Prevedeni naslov     Acute skrotum
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 66, št. 7-8
Leto izdaje     1997
Obseg     str. 397-9
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Background. Aims to find out the life period of a child in which torsio testis and torsio appendage testis and epididymis are the most frequent. Aims to find out the value of the pre-surgical time as to preserve the testis. patients and methods. Into an retrospective study we have included 105 boys. Surgical operations because of an acute skrotum were performed on them in the urological ward and the children's surgical ward of General Hospital Celje. Results. Out of 105 boys, who were in General Hospital Celje operated due to the acute scrotum, were 28% cases of torsio testis and 69% of torsio appendage testis and epidedymis and 3% of acute idiopatic scrotal edema. The largest number of torsio testis occured after the age of 14 (18 times out of 29). In the age group from 2 to 14 years we had the largest number of torsio appendage testis and epididymis (61 times out of 72). At the torsio appendage testis and epididymis we didn't have any testicles removal. At the torsio testis we had 8 semi-castrations at the operation and 4 testis atrophies at the controls (efficiency - 59%). The efficiency depends on the pre-operating time. All testicles removals due to vascular affection were in cases with a 24-hour history of illness. The ultrasound scan of testis was used in 25 cases. Conclusions. We have ascertained that the most cases of children with torsio testis occured in the first year of life and at the age from 15 to 20 years. The most torsio appendage testis and epididymis cases were in the age of pre-puberty. To preserve the testis at torsio the soonest surgical intervention is necessary. Testis was preserved in 17 cases out of 29 torson (59%). All the semi-castrations (8) were within more than a 24-hour history of illness. At torsio appendage testis and epididymis there were no losses of testicles. The ultrasonic diagnosis was used in case of indistictness at diagnosing (24%). *Abstract truncated at 2000 characters.)
Izvleček     Izhodišča. Ugovotiti življenjsko obdobje otroka, v katerem je najbolj pogost zasuk moda in zasuk priveska moda ter obmodka. ugotoviti vrednost časa pred operacijo glede na ohranitev moda. Bolniki in metode. V retrospektivno študijo je bilo vključenih 105 fantov, ki so bili operirani zaradi akutnega skrotuma na Urološkem oddelku in Oddelku za otroško kirurgijo, Splošne bolnišnice Celje. Rezultati. Od 105 fantov, ki so bili v zadnjih 6 letih operirani zaradi akutnega skrotuma v Splošni bolnišnici Celje, je bilo 28% zasukov moda in 69% zasukov priveskov moda in obmodka, v 3% je šlo za akutno idiopatsko oteklino skrotuma. Največje število zasukov moda je bilo po 14. leta starosti (18 od 29). Od 2. do 14. leta starosti smo imeli največje število zasukov priveskov moda in obmodka (61 od 72). Po zasuku moda smo opravili 8 semikastracij pri operaciji in našli 4 atrofije mod pri kontrolnih pregledih (59-odstotna uspešnost). Uspešnost je odvisna od trajanja motnje pred posegom. Vse odstranitve moda zaradi vaskularne prizadetosti ugotavljamo pri primerih s težavami v okrivu 24 ur. Ultrazvočno preiskavo mod smo uporabili v 25 primerih. Zaključki. Ugotovili smo, da je največ otrok z zasukom mod v prvem letu starosti in v starosti od 15. do 20. leta. Največ zasukov priveskov mod in obmodka je bilo v predpubertnem obdobju. Za ohranitev mod je pri zasuku potreben čimprejšnji operativni poseg. Modo smo ohranili v 17 primerih od 29 zasukov (59%). Vse semikastracije (8) so bili v primerih, ko so težave trajale več kot 24 ur. Pri zasukih priveskov moda in obmodka ni prišlo do izgube moda. ultrazvočno diagnostiko smo uporabljali v primeru nejasnosti pri postavljanju diagnoze (24%). Delež je morda nekoliko nizek, vendar se ujema z avtorji, ki trdijo, da je v eni tretjini primerov težko postavili diagnozo.