Avtor/Urednik     Kovač, Miha
Naslov     Poškodba glave - prikaz primera (video predstavitev)
Prevedeni naslov     Head trauma - case report (video presentation)
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Bručan A, Gričar M, editors. Urgentna medicina: izbrana poglavja 3. Zbornik 4. mednarodni simpozij o urgentni medicini; 1997 jun 18-21; Portorož. Ljubljana: Slovensko združenje za urgentno medicino,
Leto izdaje     1997
Obseg     str. 305-8
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     In 1996 emergency doctors in Ljubljana had done 2398 interventions using reanimobil. 342 of those were due to traffic accidents, 165 to other injuries. On January 26th, 1996, a prehospital unit intervened at home of a 16-year-old boy suffering from head trauma due to a traffic accident. After primary survey and treatment (complete immobilization, i.v. channel, oxygen 6L/min, ECG monitor diazepam 2X5 mg i.v., ketamine 20 mg i.v., midazolam 4 mg i.v.) he was sent to the intensive therapy unit. After 17 days he zas discharged from the hospital. He had no neurological deficits except for the loss of memory about the accident. Diagnoses: Oedema cerebri et cerebelli, st. p.; Contusiones cerebri, st. p.; Asthma bronchiale. In Slovenia, the presence of an MD at the scene of an incident is considered useful, for he is thought to have the best medical knowledge. Financially there is no difference, whether he is in the hospital, on a regular visit at patient's home or in an emergency mobile unit. The application of ketamine was in place, but a question arises concerning the intubation and muscular relaxants, which are not yet being used by the emergency doctorst in Ljubljana. Lactated Ringer's (pH = 6.5-7) is generally more suitable than normal saline (pH = 4-5) (2). The 8 minutes that we needed from setting i.v. channel to the analgesic injection is probably to long, which shows the conflict situation the emergency doctors find themselves in rather frequently, probably due to lack of knowledge and experience. At present, a handy video camera fixed on the doctors belt is highest possible form of case documentation.
Deskriptorji     HEAD INJURIES