Avtor/Urednik     Baraga, Andrej; Hribar-Habinc, Miša
Naslov     Usposabljanje za usklajeno delovanje urgentnih služb pri prometnih nesrečah
Prevedeni naslov     Training for co-ordinated action of emergency services in traffic accidents
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Bručan A, Gričar M, editors. Urgentna medicina: izbrana poglavja 3. Zbornik 4. mednarodni simpozij o urgentni medicini; 1997 jun 18-21; Portorož. Ljubljana: Slovensko združenje za urgentno medicino,
Leto izdaje     1997
Obseg     str. 465-71
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Problems of traffic accidents with entrapped victims are addressed: notification and information, co-operation of the three involved emergency services (fire brigade - extrication; police - providing free access to the accident scene and controlling hazards; and emergency medical resue team - life saving medical care). Additional education in special skills and joint training of all services are necessary to provide efficient acting. Specific training programs of life saving first aid for the members of the police and fire brigades teams are offered: ABC resuscitation, cervical spine protection, and temporary haemorrhage control. Medically oriented reader is informed about the accident scene protection, rescue methods, on-site immobilisation and extrication of entrapped victims to prevent complications and fatal errors, i.e. further injures of victims and endangering of rescue personnel.
Deskriptorji     ACCIDENTS, TRAFFIC