Author/Editor     Tavčar, Rok
Title     Napovedni dejavniki dolžine bolnišničnega zdravljenja bolnikov s shizofrenijo
Type     monografija
Place     Ljubljana
Publisher     Medicinska fakulteta
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 84
Language     slo
Abstract     The main aim of this study was to find out which demographic, social and disease-related characteristics influence length of hospitalization of patients with schizophrenia. Other aims were to determine characteristics of first-ever admitted patients and patients who were transferred to day care, readmitted in 1994 or who left the hospital against medical advice. Index admission was defined as first admission or discharge in 1994. Included were 453 patients (206 men and 247 women) with schizophrenia, discharged in 1994 from Centre for Clinical Psychiatry in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Patients who died during hospitalization or were transferred to other hospitals were excluded. The same is true for patients, whose index hospitalization lasted more than one year. Medical records were studied. Symptoms and type of schizophrenia were assessed with a modified Present State Examination and Krawiecka Scale. Demographic and social characteristics were recorded. Chi-square and t-tests were used. Multivariate linear regression (with length of hospitalization as dependent variable) was done. All analyses were done using SOLO 4.0 statistical package. Mean length of hospitalization was 65.9 (SD=61.2) days for men and 62.7 (SD=51.7) days for women (p>0.05). Men were on average 5.5 years younger and felt ill 3.5 years earlier than women. Men were mostly single and most of the women were married or divorced. Half of the men and one third of the women lived with their parents or relatives. Homeless were only 3% men and less than 1 % women. The main reason for admission was the need for active treatment. There were only 5-10% admissions due to social reasons. Most patients had severe positive and negative symptoms at admission. The treatment has eliminated or greatly reduced many positive symptoms while most negative symptoms were only slightly reduced. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).
Descriptors     SCHIZOPHRENIA