Author/Editor     Leskovec, J
Title     Uporaba laserja v endodontiji
Translated title     Use of the neodym-YAG laser in endodontics
Type     članek
Source     Zobozdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 52, št. 4-5
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 147-51
Language     slo
Abstract     Endodontic treatment accomplished with the use of laser technology often gives faourable results in cases where other methods have failed. The main advantages of laser light in endodontics are a shorter and simpler treatment procedure and a cure rate of more than 90%. Statistical evaluation of the results achieved in our patients and an appraisal of the efficiency of our clinical work cannot as yet be made since the follow-up period has been too short.
Descriptors     ROOT CANAL THERAPY