Avtor/Urednik     Korošak, Andrej
Naslov     Geneza osebnostne kulture
Prevedeni naslov     The genesis of the culture of personality
Tip     članek
Vir     Anthropos
Vol. in št.     Letnik 29, št. 1-3
Leto izdaje     1997
Obseg     str. 321-41
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Interest in the study of personality structure is not inherent to psychology alone. The history of philosophy proves that these issues intrigued the ancient philosophers, too. After that it was the post-medieval philosophers in the first place who studied these issues and they have remained topical. It is no wonder, then, that all renowned psychological theories and schools begin with exactly this kind of interpretation. Two questions relating to the epistemological basis of psychology are crucial: 1) Can the genesis of personality be explained from various theoretical positions? 2) Are the structure and dynamics two aspects of one and the same reality? The concept of this research leaves the door open to both hypoheses. When studying the influence of age, sex and place on the shaping of personality we indeed proceed, that is to say conceptually, from the fundamental postulates of psychoanalytic meta-psychology - the personal instances of ego, superego and id, which can be understood as the prototype of self-image which originate from cognitive schemes. These are the realistic, idealised and denied aspects of our spirituality, the most general categories which are nowadays exposed using quite different methodological procedures to those once used by psychoanalysis. In doing this, one cannot avoid the impression that these types of categories might be in close relation with the values of an individual, or in other words, that we are here dealing with the interlacing of the structure and dynamics of personality. (Abstarct truncated at 2000 characters.)
Deskriptorji     PERSONALITY