Author/Editor     Eržen, Janez; Bitenc, Marko; Jerman, Jože; Sok, Miha; Vidmar, Stanko; Debeljak, Andrej
Title     Neuspehi endoskopskega operiranja ob pomoči video kamere pri malignih boleznih v prsnem košu
Translated title     Failure of video-assisted thoracic surgery for malignant thoracic diseases
Type     članek
Source     Endoskopska revija
Vol. and No.     Letnik 2, št. 3
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 23-6
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Risks associated with video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) for malignant tumours of the lung and mediastinum include incomplete resection and potential dissemination. Mehod. A restrospective analysis of patients operated on for malignant lung and mediastinal tumours was done. Results. Two patients, one with a malignant tumour of the lung and another with a malignant mediastinal tumour, operated on by the VATS technique had local recurrence in the lung and pleura, 4 and 6 months after the operation, respectively. Conclusion. The VATS technique has not proved an appropriate modality for treating malignant lung and mediastinal tumours.
Summary     Izhodišča. Nepopolna resekcija in možnost razsoja pri video torakoskopski operaciji (VATS) se lahko zgodi pri odstranjevanju malignih tumorjev pljuč in mediastinuma. Metoda. Narejena je retrogradna analiza bolnikov, ki so bili operirani zaradi malignega obolenja pljuč in mediastinuma. Rezultati. Pri obeh bolnikih z malignim tumorjem pljuč in mediastinuma, ki sta bila operirana po tej metodi, se je tumor v pljučih oziroma v plevri ponovil 4 in 6 mesecev po posegu. Zaključek. Tehnika VATS ni primerna za odstranjevanje malignomov pljuč in malignih mediastinualnih tumorjev.
Descriptors     LUNG NEOPLASMS