Avtor/Urednik     Raunik, Wolfgang; Petrovic, G; Sabitzer, H; Klocker, J
Naslov     Radiation therapy after conservative surgery in the treatment of early breast cancer
Tip     članek
Vir     Radiol Oncol
Vol. in št.     Letnik 31, št. 2
Leto izdaje     1997
Obseg     str. 119-21
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     It is now generally accepted that conservative surgery combined with radiation therapy (RT) represents an appropriate alternative to mastectomy in the treatment of stages I and II breast cancer. In accordance with the development of this knowledge, an increasing number of patients have undergone breast conserving theraphy (BCT). Between February 1983 and February 1995, 392 patients were treated by RT at the Dept. of Radiation Therapy in Klagenfurt, Austria. 6 MeV photon beams were applied for homogenous radiation of the entire breast, while electrons were used as standard boost technique for tumor site; 126 patients also recived adjuvant chemotherapy (CMF standard), 92 Tamoxifen and 11 both. In February 1995, 316 persons (81%) were alive without evidence of disease, 39 (10%) developed distant metastases and 18 (14.6%) local recurrences. The latter were salvaged by mastectomy, and 13 are still in a complete remission, while 5 have died of progressive tumor disease. By our preliminary estimation, no significant corelation between the proposed risk factors and the local recurrence rate could be detected. Furthermore, a slight decrease in the single daily dose seemed to have no negative impact on the local tumor control. At least the investigating surgeons have not reported any sequel caused by this boost technique up to now.
Deskriptorji     BREAST NEOPLASMS