Avtor/Urednik     Rovo, L; Savay, L; Czigner, J
Naslov     Laser surgery as the organ sparing treatment for vocal cord carcinoma. Cost benefit relation in 100 cases
Tip     članek
Vir     Radiol Oncol
Vol. in št.     Letnik 31, št. 2
Leto izdaje     1997
Obseg     str. 199-201
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Nowadays, there are three internationally accepted, almost equally effective treatment options for the early vocal cord cancer: radiotherapy, cordectomy via thyrotomy or partial vertical laryngectomy and endolaryngeal cordectomy commonly performed with laser. The latter method was applied on 100 patients between May 1987 and May 1994. The cost of the laser cordectomies was analysed by the authors. Local control rate after single laser cordectomy alone was 87% and together with salvage therapy the success rate was 98%. The voice preservation was 97%, and one patient remained canulated following a salvage partial laryngectomy. The average cost of one patient's treatment - taking into consideration the salvage interventions as well - was about 66 thousad HUF (appr. 390 $) per patient, according to the actual prices of the Hungarian Health Care Insurance. In case of radiotherapy or vertical partial laryngectomy as primary treatment the estimated costs were much higher: approximately 143 thousand and 210 thousand HUF (appr. 800 $ and 1400 $). These facts suggest that the endolaryngeal laser chordectomy is an effective and costconscious management option for primary treatment of T1 and selected cases of T2 glottic cancer.