Avtor/Urednik     Vrabič, Gabrijela; Vrečar, Irena; Breznik, Tatjana; Damjan, Hermina
Naslov     Naše izkušnje s funkcionalno električno stimulacijo (FES) pri otrocih s hemiparezo
Prevedeni naslov     Our experience with functional electrical stimulation (FES) applied to hemiparetic children
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Breznik T, Vrečar I, editors. 6. strokovno posvetovanje slovenskih fizioterapevtov. 6. občni zbor; 1996 okt 24-26; Otočec. Ljubljana: Društvo fizioterapevtov Slovenije,
Leto izdaje     1996
Obseg     str. 111-4
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The authors have presented twenty years' experience in the use of functional electrical stimulation (FES) in 375 hemiparetic children. Positive results were found in 205 cases. FES method was chosen according to the results of clinical gait analyses and FES test respond. Electrodes were placed along the peroneal nerve, one in the part above nervous peroneus communis at the lateral part of fossa poplitea and the other behind the capitulum of the fibula. In some cases, according to the FES test respond, distal electrode was positioned on the tibialis anterior muscle. The authors emphasise the importance of proper positioning of switches in the shoe insole to enable the best possible functioning of FES. The method can be applied unilaterally or in cases with severe spasticy also contralaterally controlled FES (CC FES). During the gait repeated impulses inhibit the spasticity of triceps surae muscle, gait pattern is improved, equinovarius positioni, circumduction, and internal rotation are less marked. The improvement of voluntary control of stimulated muscles was observed, as well. The authors consider FES an important method of choice with a significant number of hemiparetic children with the aim to improve the pattern of gait and prevent contractures of tendon Achilles (TA) and the development of deformities.
Deskriptorji     HEMIPLEGIA