Author/Editor     Mašera, Andrej; Ovčak, Zdenka
Title     Patohistološka diagnostika karcinoma prostate
Translated title     Pathohistologic diagnosis of prostatic carcinoma
Type     članek
Source     In: Tršinar B, editor. Rak na prostati. 1. slovenski urološki simpozij; 1995 maj 12-13; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Lek,
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 1-16
Language     slo
Abstract     In this report the authors review the pathology of prostatic carcinoma, covering criteria for pathohistologic diagnosis, immunohistochemical findings, various grading systems, premalignant lesions and recent advances of diagnostic and prognostic possibilities. Special attention has been attributed to the incidental carcinoma, which is located in the periurethral area of the prostate. The morphologic characteristics of premalignant lesions, i. e. the atypical hyperplasia and prostatic intraepithetial neoplasia and their pathogenetic affiliations with prostatic carcinoma has been elucidated. Despite of numerous diagnostic methods the carcinoma of the prostate remains a formidable professional and scientific challenge to the pathologist and the clinician as well.