Author/Editor     Hoyer, Silvestra
Title     Prednosti dojenja: osnova za zdravstveno vzgojo
Translated title     Advantages of breast feeding: basics of health education
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 31, št. 5-6
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 217-20
Language     slo
Abstract     The article deals with the advantages of breast feeding, described by different authors. Breast feeding nowadays is not only related to tradition, but in the first place, depends on personal decision of a mother, her knowledge, relevant information and positive attitude to breast feeding. The attainment of all the above mentioned is an important and actual task of health workers, especially nurses. The introductory part is followed by a short survey of literature on advantages of breast feeding. Immunological advantages of mother's milk are stressed, as well as lower incidence of digestive system diseases, breathing problems, including middler ear infections, diabetes and carcinoma. Breast fed children have less problems with allergies and intolerance to cow milk. They also have less infections of the urinary tract. The impact of breast feeding on neurological and intellectual development of a child is also stressed. The aim of the article is to provoke a rethinking of breast feeding and the important role all health workers play in the education of mothers; it is their contribution to better health of children, mothers and families and communities.
Summary     V članku so obravnavane prednosti dojenja, ki jih navajajo različni avtorji. Dojenje v sodobnem času ni več predvsem odvisno od tradicije, pač pa temelji na osebni odločitvi matere, od njenega znanja, ustreznih informacij ter pozitivnih stališč do dojenja. Doseganje vsega tega je pomembna in aktualna naloga zdravstvenih delavcev, še posebej medicinskih sester. Sledi kratek pregled literature o prednostih dojenja. Poudarjene so imunološke prednosti materinega mleka, manjša incidenca obolenj prebavnega trakta pri dojenih otrocih, manj dihalnih obolenj vključno z vnetjem srednjega ušesa, manj diabetesa in karcinoma. Dojeni otroci nimajo težav z alergijami in intoleranco na kravje mleko. Prav tako je ugotovljenih manj infekcij urotrakta. Poudarjen je vpliv dojenja in materinega mleka na nevrološki in intelektualni razvoj otroka. Namen sestavka je spodbuditi ponoven razmislek o dojenju, o pomembni vlogi, ki jo imajo na tem področju v vzgoji in izobraževanju mater vsi zdravstveni delavci, ki tako prispevajo k prizadevanjem za boljše zdravje otrok, mater in s tem družine oziroma skupnosti.
Descriptors     BREAST FEEDING