Author/Editor     Kansky, A; Potočnik, M
Title     Epidemiološki pomen spolno prenosljivih bolezni
Translated title     Epidemiological aspects of STDs
Type     članek
Source     In: Kansky A, Kralj B, Lunder T, et al, editors. Zbornik predavanj Simpozija za zdravnike splošne medicine. 4. Kogojevi dnevi; 1996 maj; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Dermatovenerološka klinika,
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 9-19
Language     slo
Abstract     Background: The broader term Sexually Transmited Diseases (STD) comprises additionally to the classical veneral diseases (syphilis, gonorrhea, ulcus molle, lymphogranuloma venerum) numerous other pathologic conditions which are mostly but not exclusively spread by sexual intercourse. Due to social, ethical, economic and other conditions the incidence of STDs is different in different parts of the world, but even in the same country varies in time. Contents: The various atitudes in respect to sexual relations are shortly reviewed. The factors contributing to the spread as well as to the suppression of STDs are outlined. Conrolled prostitution and free medical services to the population at risk are proposed. Available data onindicence of STDs since the World War in Eruope as well as in the USA are mentioned. Conclusions: Promiscuity as well as prostitutes and their clients are mainly responsible for the spread of STDs. The chances that prostitution could be suppressed by legal measures are rather poor, for this reason free medical services for the population at risk are advocated.