Author/Editor     Marin, J
Title     Laboratorijska spoznava okužb s HSV in HPV
Translated title     Laboratory diagnosis of infections caused by HSV and HPV
Type     članek
Source     In: Kansky A, Kralj B, Lunder T, et al, editors. Zbornik predavanj Simpozija za zdravnike splošne medicine. 4. Kogojevi dnevi; 1996 maj; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Dermatovenerološka klinika,
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 41-5
Language     slo
Abstract     Infections with Herpes simplex virus are common. Normally they do not present a diagnostic problem. In certain instances the clinical diagnosis should be supported by the laboratory test. Isolation of the virus in cell culture is still the golden standard, in spite of several new rapid and sensitive diagnostic procedures. Infections with Human papilloma viruses are usually diagnosed clinically, the isolation by culture is rather an exception. The diagnosis may be confirmed by histopathology and also by detection of the viral DNA, in situ hybridization being the method of choice.
Descriptors     SIMPLEXVIRUS