Avtor/Urednik     Modic, T; Jazbec, I
Naslov     Umerjanje elektronskega števca Lericont II in hemoglobinometra za določanje števila eritrocitov in levkocitov ter koncentracije hemoglobina pri domačih živalih
Prevedeni naslov     Calibration of electronic instrument Lericont II and hemoglobinometer for erythrocyte and leukocyte as well as of the hemoglobin concentration at domestic animals
Tip     članek
Vir     Zb Vet Fak Univ Ljublj
Vol. in št.     Letnik 34, št. 2
Leto izdaje     1997
Obseg     str. 213-21
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The counter Leriocont II, made by Elektromedicina in Ljubljana, has been calibrated for use in veterinary medicine. Applicability of counter Lericont II designed for use inhuman medicine for counting of erythrocytes and leukocytes in blood of domestic animals was examined. The tresholds for counting erytrocytes in several kinds of domestic animals were determined on Lericont II. Optimum tresholds for counting erythrocytes by means of Lericont II were being determined: 3.8 is recomandable forcattle, 2.2 for sheep, 2.6 for horse, 2.6 for pig, 3.6 for dog and 3.6 for cat. In case erythrocytes of cattle, horse, pig, dog and cat are to be counted by Lericont II, their blood has to be diluted at the ratio of 1:80000 and that of sheep at the ratio 1:160000. Lericont II is not recommendable, however, for counting erythrocytes in goat due to high amount of very small erythrocytes; no reliable results can be obtained in latter case. The treshold of 6.0 incattle, 5.2 in sheep, 4.8 in horse, 3.6 in pig, 4.2 in dog and 4.6 in cat is recommendable for counting leukocytes by Lericont II. Blood dilutions at ratio of 1:400 and saponine Zapoglobine were used in this case. The hemoglobinometer, a product of Electromedicina, is applicable for the examination of hemoglobin concentration in blood of domestic animals as well. The measurement results obtained by tested instruments of Electromedicina are comparable to those obtained by means of Coulter counter ZF6.
Izvleček     Elektronski števec Lericont II, izdelan v ljubljanski Elektromedicini, smo umerjali za potrebe veterinarske medicine. Na Lericontu II smo določili prage za štetje eritrocitov in levkocitov pri različnih vrstah domačih živali. Za štetje eritrocitov na Lericontu II smo določali optimalne prage; pr govedu priporočamo prag 3.8, pri ovci 2,2, pri konju in prašiču 2.6 ter pri psu in mački 3.6. Kri goveda, konja, prašiča, psa in mačke je za štetje eritrocitov na Lericontu II potrebno razredčiti v razmerju 1:80000, ovčjo kri v razmerju 1:160000. Kozja kri zaradi velikega števila zelo majhnih eritrocitov ni primerna za štetje na Lericontu II, kajti rezultati nikakor niso zanesljivi. Za štetje levkocitov na Lericontu II priporočamo pri govedu prag 6.0, pri ovci 5.2, pri konju 4.8, pri prašiču 3.6, pri psu 4.2 in pri mački 4.6. Uporabili smo razredčitve v razmerju 1:400 in saponin Zapoglobin. Prav tako je tudihemoglobinometer Elektromedicine primeren za ugotavljanje koncentracije hemoglobina v krvi domačih živali. Rezultati meritev, dobljeni na testiranih aparatih Elektromedicine, so primerljivi z rezultati na Coulter counterju ZF6.
Deskriptorji     ERYTHROCYTE COUNT