Author/Editor | Šegula, B | |
Title | Sezonski vpliv na plodnost svinj na farmi Krško | |
Translated title | Seasonal effect on fertility of sows on the farm Krško | |
Type | članek | |
Source | Zb Vet Fak Univ Ljublj | |
Vol. and No. | Letnik 34, št. 2 | |
Publication year | 1997 | |
Volume | str. 253-64 | |
Language | slo | |
Abstract | In our investigation the seasonal effect on reproductive performance of 734 sows through five subsequent parities was analysed. Season of mating influenced by the age at the first farrowing and by the seasonof birth was studied. In view of the age at the first parity, sows were classified infour groups: up to 340 days, 341-360 days, 361-380 days and more than 381 days. Fertility was observed according to individual reproductive parameters such as: the number of born, liveborn and stillborn piglets per sow, the length of weaning-to-estrus interval and -to-conception interval, the farrowing interval, the lentht of lactation period and the lenght of lactation period and the lenght of pregnancy. Sows born in autumn and winter were younger at the first parity. They had a shortet weaning-to-estrus and -to-conception interval, and as horter farrowing interval. These intervals were significantly (P<0.05) shorter at the second parity in sows born in winter. They had less born piglets at the first and other four parities. Gilts that were up to 340 days old had no return to estrus inall seasons of mating but they were expected to have less born piglets. Sows younger than 360 days at the first parity were reproductively more efficient through all the five cycles. They had less return to estrus, shorter weaning -to estrus interval, shorer weaning-to-conception interval and the farrowing interval. Significant differences were recorced between seasons of mating, not between the age at the first parity. The weaning -to-estrus interval grew with age at the first parity thourgh all the five reproductive cycles. The same was observed for the postweaning-to-conceptioninterval. In the 2nd cycle all these intervals were prolonged, especially at sows which were more than 361 days old at the first parity and which were mated during autumn and winter. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters.) | |
Summary | Analizirali smo sezonski vpliv na plodnost 734 svinj, ki so prasile petkrat zapored. Vpliv sezone smo analizirali glede na starost ob prvi prasitvi, kakor tudi glede na sezono, v kateri so bile te živali rojene. Starost ob prvi prasitvi smo razdelili na štirit razrede: do 340 dni, od 341 do 360 dni, od 361 do 380 dni in nad 381 dni. Plodnost smo spremljali glede na posamezne reprodukcijske parametre, kot so: število vseh rojenih pujskov, število živorojenih in mrtvorojenih, dolžina obdobja od odstavitve do 1. pripusta (interim obdobja) in poodstavitvenega premora, doba med prasitvama - DMP, trajanje breojsti in laktacije. Svinje, ki so bile rojene jeseni in pozimi, so bile ob prvi prasitvi mlajše. Imele so najkrajše interim obdobje in poodstavitveni premor ter DMP. Te dobe so bile statistično značilno (P<0,05) krajše v drugem ciklusu, in sicer pri svinjah, rojenih pozimi. Povrgle so manj pujskov tako pri prvi kot pri ostalih prasitvah. Mladice, ki so bile ob prvi prasitvi stare do 340 dni, se niso v nobeni sezoni pregonile niti enkrat, imele pa so pričakovano manj rojenih pujskov. Svinje, ki so bile ob prvi prasitvi mlajŠe od 360 dni, so bile reprodukcijsko uspešnejše vseh pet reprodukcijskih ciklusov. Bilo je manj pregonitev, krajše interim obdobje in poodstavitveni premor, pa tudi DMP. Značilne razlike v dolžini teh dob so bileopažene le med posameznimi sezonami pripustov, ne pa tudi med posameznimi starostnimi razredi svinj. Interim obdobje je naraščalo iz ciklusa v ciklus, prav tako tudi poodstavitveni premor. Vse te dobe so se podaljšale v drugem reprodukcijskem ciklusu, posebno pri svinjah, ki so bile ob prvi prasitvi starejše od 361 dni in pripuščene v jesenskih ali zimskih mesecih. Podobno kot pri prvi prasitvi so povrgle najmlajše svinje najmanj pujskov tudi pri vseh naslednjih prasitvah. V povprečju je bilo več rojenih pujskov poleti in jeseni, manj pa spomladi. (Izvleček prekinjen pri 2000 znakih.), | |