Avtor/Urednik     Šemrov, Dejan; Karba, Renata; Valenčič, Vojko
Naslov     DC electrical stimulation for chronic wound healing enhancement. Part 2. Parameter determination by numerical modelling
Tip     članek
Vir     Bioelectroch Bioener
Vol. in št.     Letnik 43
Leto izdaje     1997
Obseg     str. 271-7
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     A three dimensional finite element model of the cutenous wound stimulated by direct electric current was built by means of the finite element method. As was assumed in part 1 of this article, the endogenous electrical properties of the injured skin are beneficial and necessary for a normal course of healing. Therefore, an attempt was made to determine the parameters of transcutaneous electrical stimualtion which would results in an electric field similar to the endogenous one in the wound area. The main goal of the study was to evaluate the influence of the electrodes' shape, size and position on the distribution of electric field in the epidermal layer at the edge of the injured tissue. The wound and the surrounding tissues were modelled as a cylinder with the spherical shaped out-off representing the wound. 5 layers of the skin and subcutaneous tissues were modelled: epidermis, subcutis, and deeper lying fat and muscle tissue. In the parametric study performed, the influence of different electrode configuration of the electric field was studied. Different sizes and positions of electrodes were examined by applying appropriate boundary conditions. Electric field distributions were calculated for each case and the differences in the resulting electric field were examined. According to the results obtained, some guideniles are given for the selection of the electrodes configuration in the DC electrical stimulation for chronic wound healing enhancement.
Deskriptorji     WOUND HEALING