Avtor/Urednik     Sera, Terez; Mester, Janos; Skretting, Arne; Csernay, Laszlo
Naslov     Influence of the radiation source on the quality of transmission bone phantom images
Prevedeni naslov     Vpliv izvora sevanja na kakovost transmisijskega scintigrama skeletnega fantoma
Tip     članek
Vir     Radiol Oncol
Vol. in št.     Letnik 31, št. 4
Leto izdaje     1997
Obseg     str. 358-63
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Different types of flood sources were applied to produce bone phantom images, and the quality of the resulting phantom images was studied. The measurements were made with 37-PMT circular detector gamma cameras and with rectangular detectors SPECT devices, with the Scanflex Transbone transmission bone phntom. Phantom images were produced with a 99m-Tc fillable flood source, a 57-Co flood source and dynamic line phantom (Veenstra Instrumenten B.V.). Images were acquired with the number of counts collected under routine clinical conditions (600 000-8000 000 counts) and also with a high number of counts (2 million counts) and were documented on X-ray films. The images were interpreted by three independent experienced observers. From the scores, ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curves were generated. The quality of the images was characterized by the area under the ROC curves. There were no significant didderences between the ROC curve areas of the images produced with the same parameters. The differences between the routine and the high-count images were significant. It is concluded that all of the investigatedflood sources are suitable for the production of bone phantom images for the quality control of nuclear medicine imaging procedures.
Izvleček     Avtorji so za transmisijsko scintigrafijo na fantomu skeleta (Scanflex Transbone) uporabili gama kamero, ki je imela okrogli detektor s 37 fotopomnoževalkami, ali pa kamero SPECT s pravokotnimi detektorji. Pri tem so uporabljali tri različne izvore sevanja: tehnecijev ploščinski izvor za večkratno polnjenje, 57Co ploščinski izvor in pomični linijski izvor družbe Veenstra instruments B.V. Proučevali so razlike v kakovosti nastalih scintigramov. Ti so bili posneti na rentgenski film v skladu z običajnim kliničnim protokolom (600 000-8000 000pulzov na sliko) in z velikim številom pulzov (2 milijona). Scintigrame so interpretirali trije neodvisni, izkušeni opazovalci. Iz doseženih rezultatov so ustvarili ROC (receiver operating charasteristic) krivuljo. Kakovost slik je bila sorazmerno površini pod ROC krivuljo. Med slikami posnetimi z istimi parametri ni bilo pomembnih razlik v površini pod ROC. Pomembno pa so se razlikovali rutinski scintigrami od tistih posnetih z velikim Številom pulzov. Avtorji v sklepu navajajo, da so vsi navedeni ploščinski izvori primerni za snemanje transmisijskega skeletnega fantoma, ki služi kontroli kvalitete nuklearno medicinskih postopkov.
Deskriptorji     BONE AND BONES