Author/Editor     Jogan, Maca
Title     (Individualna) izjemnost in družbeno (ne)zagotovljena varnost materinstva
Translated title     The (individual) exeptionality and the socially (un)assured security of the motherhood
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. 3-4
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 77-81
Language     slo
Abstract     Authoress deals with some basic social conditions which enable safe motherhood and integration of mother role with the employment of women at the end of the 20th century in Slovenia. Authoress raises the problem of incompatibilities caused by the androcentrically determined organization of the everyday life on one side and on the other side the new adrogynous value orientation (which is already prevalently internalized with both genders); she indicates the perspective of the development, which could contribute to a more friendly and more safe parenthood for the majority of women (and also of men) by the new fatherhood.
Summary     Avtorica obravnava nekatere temeljne družbene okoliščine, ki omogočajo varno materinstvo in združevanje materinske vloge z zaposlitvijo konec 20. stoletja na Slovenskem. Problematizira neskladja, do katerih prihaja zaradi prežetosti organizacije vsakdanjega življenja z androcentrično kulturo na eni in androgino vrednotno usmeritvijo (ki je že prevladujoče ponotranjena pri obeh spolih) na drugi strani ter nakazuje perspektivo razvoja, ki bi ob novem očetovstvu omogočala večini žensk (in tudi moških) bolj prijazno in varno starševstvo.