Author/Editor     Novak-Antolič, Živa
Title     Učinkovito perinatalno varstvo
Translated title     Efficient perinatal care
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. 3-4
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 96-101
Language     slo
Abstract     For the efficient prenatal care the quality assessment include among other data about prenatal mortality and morbidity, maternal mortality; besides, satisfaction of pregnant women and parturient is very important. In continuity of care, which is very important, there is a major role of midwives. Psychological distress is greater with recently introduced screeninng tests than with those, which are in longer use. Better screening tests will replace those which are in use today in prenatal care. It is important, that the doctor informs the pregnant woman thoroughly and objectively about positive and negative effects of screening tests. She will than decide if she wants the test to be done. Before, during and after the testing counselling is of paramount importance. Financial view of screening tests is not to be discarded; it should be cristally clear from regulations, which test are paid from basic insurance. It is urgent that only licensed labraotories perform the tests. All the above mentioned raises ethical questions too.
Summary     Za učinkovito perinatalno varstvo so pomembni kazalci kakovosti opravljenega dela, kot so perinatalna umrljivost in obolevnost ter maternalna umrljivost; poleg tega je zelo pomembno, kako so nosečnice zadovoljne s perinatalnim varstvom. Pri tako imenovani stalnosti varstva morajo imeti pomembno vlogo babice. Duševne obremenitve nosečnice so ob presajalnih testih, ki so bili uvedeni v zadnjih letih, večje kot ob tistih, ki so že dalj časa v uporabi. Presejalni testi, ki smo jih dolžni ponuditi nosečnicam, seveda ne bodo vedno enaki, nadomestili jih bodo drugi, boljši. Pomembno je, da zdravnik zelo natančno in objektivno seznani nosečnico o možnostih in slabostih presajalnih testov. Nosečnica se nato sama odloči, ali bo test opravila. Pred, med in po testiranju je nujno potrebno svetovanje. Finančni vidik presajalnih testov ni zanemarljiv; dobro je, če je s predpisi oziroma zakoni urejeno, do katerih preiskav ima nosečnica pravico iz obveznega zavarovanja. Nujno je tudi, da licenco za opravljanje preiskav dobijo samo ustrezni laboratoriji. Vse našteto poraja tudi etične probleme.
Descriptors     PRENATAL CARE