Author/Editor     Novak-Antolič, Živa; Brezigar, Anamarija; Osredkar, Joško; Tul, Nataša; Geršak, Ksenija; Pušenjak, Stanko
Title     Presejalni testi za Downov sindrom v nosečnosti
Translated title     Screening test for Down's syndrome in pregnancy
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. 3-4
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 155-9
Language     slo
Abstract     Most of pregnant women are familiar with the screening test for Down's syndrome based on maternal age. In Slovenia, two thirds of Down's syndrome babies are, however, born to younger women. There is an angoing research project, financed by Ministry of Science and Technology and Ministry of Health, using triple hormonal test and natal translucency measurement as screening for Down's syndrome. Problems - be it ethical, psychological, financial or laboratory - which arise with the introduction of screening tests, are described. Positive and negative aspects of screening tests should be explained to the pregnant woman; she than decides whether she wants the screenning test to be performed. Before, during and after testing, counselling is a necessity. In some European countries triple hormonal test and nuchl translucency measurements are available in basic insurance arrangements. Discussions regarding this are still ongoing in Slovenia. In the future, there will be more tests in the first trimester of pregnancy; better sensitivity and specificity are hoped for.
Summary     Večina nosečnic pozna presajalni test za Downov sindrom, ki temelji na materini starosti. Vendar za Slovenijo velja, da dve tretjini otrok z Downovim sindromom rodijo mlajše ženske. V okviru raziskovalnega projekta, ki ga financira Ministrstvo za zdravstvo, poteka presejanje za Downov sindrom s pomočjo trojnega hormonskega testa in merjenja nuhalne svetline. Opisani so problemi z uvedbo presejalnih testov, ki so tako etični, psihični, finančni kot laboratorijski. Pozitivne in negativne strani omenjenih presejalnih testov moramo izčrpno razložiti nosečnici; sama se bo odločila, ali bo test opravila. Pred, med in po testiranju je potrebno svetovanje. V več evropskih državah sta trojni hormonski test in merjenje nuhalne svetline na voljo v okviru obveznega zavarovanja. Dogovori v zvezi s tem v Sloveniji še potekajo. V prihodnosti pričakujemo več presejalnih testov v prvem trimesečju, pričakovati pa je tudi boljšo senzitivnost in specifičnost teh testov.
Descriptors     DOWN SYNDROME