Author/Editor     Furlan, Jana; Kofol-Seliger, Andreja; Berger, Tatjana; Macarol-Hiti, Metka; Cegnar, Tanja
Title     Measurements of airborne pollen concentration in Ljubljana and the incidence of positive skin tests in patients with pollinosis during 1996
Type     članek
Source     In: Hočevar A, Črepinšek Z, Kajfež-Bogataj L, editors. Biometeorology 14. Proceedings of the 14th international congress of biometeorology. Part 2. (Vol 3); 1996 Sep 1-8; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Slovenian meteorological society,
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 25-31
Language     eng
Abstract     The pollen of the significant allergenic plants in the atmosphere of Ljubljana and its surroundings has been studied from January 1st to September 15th, 1996 together with its impact on the development of sensitization in patients with pollinosis. The pollen of the following plants was found to be present in the atmosphere in high concentrations: hazel, alder, birch, grass, mugwort and ragweed dependent upon the temperature and atmospheric precipitations. By skin allergen tests, performed in patients with hay fever, we found the sensitization for grass polen to be prevailing, followed by birch pollen, alder, hazel and weed (mugwort and ragweed).
Descriptors     POLLEN