Author/Editor     Hoeppe, Peter; Rabe, Gerlinde; Praml, Georg; Lindner, Jutta; Jakobi, Gert; Fruhmann, Guenter
Title     Are there risk groups in respect to acute effects of environmental ozone ?
Type     članek
Source     In: Hočevar A, Črepinšek Z, Kajfež-Bogataj L, editors. Biometeorology 14. Proceedings of the 14th international congress of biometeorology. Part 2. (Vol 3); 1996 Sep 1-8; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Slovenian meteorological society,
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 40-9
Language     eng
Abstract     During the 1992 to 1995 ozone seasons the lung function of subjects belonging to potential risk groups in respect to ozone exposure was measured at different sites in the Munich area both in the morning and afternoon (every subject on eight days). We looked for possible ozone effects by comparing these values on days with elevated (>50 ppb) and low ozone concentrations (<40 pbb). The lung function parameters (PVC, FEV1, Pef, sRaw etc.) were obtained on site in a mobile laboratory equipped with a body plethysmograph. Additionally questionnaires on irritations of eyes and respiratory tract as well as other discomfort parameters were completed before every measurement. Next to the lung function laboratory the ambient concentrations of ozone, PAN, NO, NO2, CxHy and standard meterological parameters were monitored in a mobile lab of the Institute of Bioclimatology and Immission Research (Muich University). The results of 211 subjects are presented, broken up into five groups of equal size: "senior citizens", "juvenile asthmatics", "athletes", "children" and, as a control group, "clerks". The ambient ozone concentrations (maximum half hour mean value between 1 and 4 p.m.) ranged between 1 ppb and 112 ppb. THe prevelence of imitations of eyes or airways did not differe revelantly between ozone and "control days" for any of the five study groups. While the pulmonary function of the "senior citizens" and the "athletes" even improved (lower airway resistances) on "ozone days" the other study groups showed trends to decrements. The highest increases of the specific airway resistances were found for "clerks" - the group with the lowest ozone exposure of all - and "children" (mean increase 16% resp. 13%).(Abstract truncated at 2000 characters.)
Descriptors     OZONE