Author/Editor     Kačergiene, Nella; Platonovich-Nartsissov, Ruirik
Title     Infants'health and environment
Type     članek
Source     In: Hočevar A, Črepinšek Z, Kajfež-Bogataj L, editors. Biometeorology 14. Proceedings of the 14th international congress of biometeorology. Part 2. (Vol 3); 1996 Sep 1-8; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Slovenian meteorological society,
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 57-71
Language     eng
Abstract     For the first time the regularity of the combined effect of environmental factors on intracellular enzymic activity (E) in infants with perinatal intracranial hypertensive syndrome (IHS) is presented. Using R.N. Nartsissov's method we studied SDH, GDH, AIP and AcP in 53 infants with IHS and 15 healthy infants (from 1 month to 1 year of age). To establish IE links with the frequency of clinical symptoms, meteorological, heliogeophysical factors and atmospheric chemical pollutants in infants under study we conducted a correlative analysis, whilst to identify the regularity of the combined effect of IE we performed a multidimensional regressive and stepwise analysis (Minitab program). Data presented show that IE (increased GDH, AIP and reduced AcP) depends on infants' wheight, the dimensions of the anterior fontanel, the congenital minor morphogenesis defects of infants, treatment methods and environmental factors. Meteorological (air temperature, atmospheric pressure, water steam partial pressure, wind velocity, cloudiness) and heliogeophysical (W, Sp, F, Ak, betta radiation) factors have a regular effect on IE in children with IHS and who used glycine for a long period, while the effect of atmospheric chemical pollutants is pushed out. In infants with IHS and who used basic medicines for a long period the chemiosensitivity became revealed, i.e., a regular effect of the increased concentration of phenol, sulphuric dioxide on IE. The complex of environmental factors is noted to process the chronic stress effect on the IE, while in infants' organism the general adaptation syndrome is formed. We would like to notify that complexes of endogenic and exogenic factors, having an effect on infants with IHS, condition hypoxia at cellular-molecular level (an IE level reduces, distress develops, ATP genshesis gets disturbed).