Author/Editor     Dolenc, VV
Title     Tumors of the pineal region
Type     članek
Source     In: Proceedings of the 11th international congress of neurological surgery; 1997 July 6-11; Amsterdam. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore,
Publication year     1997
Volume     str. 207-15
Language     eng
Abstract     A series of 96 patients were surgically treated in the period from 1981 through 1996. Patient age ranged from 7 to 76 years. The main and most common first symptoms were headaches (75%), blurred vision (32%), and nausea and vomiting (14%). Totalremoval of the tumor was possible in 71 patients and subtotal removal in 25 patients. All but 9 patients were operated on in a sitting position. An infratentorial supracerebellar approach was performed in 15 cases, a unilateral parasagittal suboccipital transtentorial approach in 66 cases, a bilateral suboccipital transtentorial approach in 66 cases, and a bilateral suboccipital transtentorial approach in 6 cases. Nine patients were operated on in a lateral position and a suboccipital transtentorial approach through the ambiens cistern was used. Complementary treatment following subtotal removal of the tumor in this location was carried out in25 cases and, inaddition to those, in 40 cases following total removal of the tumor in which the histological examination showed malignant alteration. In 31 patients out of 71 in whom total removal of the tumor was achieved, no additional treatment was required. In 7 patients out of those in whom total removal of the tumor was achieved, preoperatively inserted PV and/or VA shunts were removed, in 3 cases during the oepration for removal of the tumor, and in 4 cases three months following the operation. In the case was new shunting necessary. The VP and VA shunts were left in place in 19 cases out of 25 of subtotal removal of the tumor and shunting was performed in 6 cases after 2 - 3 months following the operation.
Descriptors     PINEALOMA