Avtor/Urednik     Brasche, Sabine; Herzog, V; Brischof, W
Naslov     Effects of indoor air climate on health, work efficiency and well being - a presentation of aims, design and methods of an extensive German research project
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Hočevar A, Črepinšek Z, Kajfež-Bogataj L, editors. Biometeorology 14. Proceedings of the 14th international congress of biometeorology. Part 2. (Vol 3); 1996 Sep 1-8; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Slovenian meteorological society,
Leto izdaje     1996
Obseg     str. 319-24
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Seven research groups from various fields, such as technology, building-physics, medicine, allergology, psychology and ergonomics started a new research project on the causes of Sick Building Syndrome at the end of 1994. The project is financed mainly by the German Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Technology in its programme Labour, Environment and Health. The task includes the analysis of 16 office buildings all over Germany with 3000 work-places including those and without air-conditioning systems. The research groups expect to determine relationships between the chemical, biological and physical factors (including the air-conditioning system) of indoor air quality and climate on the on ehand and their influence on wellbeing, health and work efficiency of the employees on the other hand. An additional aim of the research work is to identify possibilities for, and carry out, intervention studies relating to the indoor air conditions in 10 of the 16 office buildings. The final goal of the research project is to create a scientific basis for design of healthy work-places in offices.
Deskriptorji     AIR POLLUTION, INDOOR