Author/Editor     Iglič, Aleš; Haegerstrand, Henry; Kralj-Iglič, Veronika; Bobrowska-Haegerstrand, Malgorzata
Title     A possible physical mechanism of red blood cell vesiculation obtained by incubation at high pH
Type     članek
Source     J Biomech
Vol. and No.     Letnik 31
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 151-6
Language     eng
Abstract     The membrane of human red blood cells is essentially composed of two parts, the lipid bilayer and the membrane skeleton that interacts with the lipid bilayer. The normal resting shape of the red blood cells at physiological pH 7,4 is the discocyte. However, at alkaline pH-11 the shape of red blood cells is composed of a spherical parent cell and large spherical daughter vesicles. The daughter vesicles may be free or connected to the parent cell by a narrow neck. In this paper we show that the shapes of red blood cells at pH-11 correspond to some of the calculated shapes of a closed lipid bilayer having an extreme area difference between the outer and the inner monolayer. Therefore, it is suggested that the observed shapes of the red blood cells at pH-11 are a consequence of the abolishment of the skeleton-bilayer interactions at this pH.
Descriptors     ERYTHROCYTES