Author/Editor     Štumberger, Borut; Bračko, Franc
Title     Gnezditev polojnika Himantopus himantopus v ormoških bazenih za odpadne vode
Translated title     Breeding by the black-winged stilt Himantopus himantopus in waste water basins at Ormož (NE Slovenia)
Type     članek
Source     Acrocephalus
Vol. and No.     Letnik 17, št. 78-79
Publication year     1996
Volume     str. 135-42
Language     slo
Abstract     From the time prior to the period 1981-1996, when 21 different full-grown Black-winged Stilts were observed in NE Slovenia, there are no records about this long-legged wader occurring in this particular part of our country. The observed Black-winged Stilts belong, in view of the colour of their crown and nape (Glutz von Blotzheim et al.1977), to almost all of the types and their transitional forms. All the observation data are, with a single exception, from Ormož waste water basins of the local sugar refinery and Lake Ormož on the Drava river nearby. To the exclusion of two separate observations in July and August, the data cover the time of their spring migration between April 4th and June 8th: particulary interesting are the observations of two different groups of Black-winged Stilts (7 in 1988 and 4 in 1991) which resided in this area for a week, alternating between the basins and the lake. In 1996, the first successful breeding by a pair of Black-winged Stilts in the interior of Slovenia was documented within the waste water basins at Ormož (UTM WM 93, 190 m a.s.l.) Incubation began in the first week of July (no Black-winged Stilt had been seen before May 26th at the nesting ground). After July 12th when 2 offspring aged about 12 days were seen for the first time, the young were looked after mainly by the male; the female usually came nearer only when the young were in danger. Until able to fly, the two young fed and rested predominantly under the cover of dry stalks. On July 27th, only one of them was still noticed, and on the following day the Black-winged Stilt family was seen for the last time. In view of the ecological background of the new breeding ground of this species, an important role was no doubt played by the conditions existing in the breeding habitat; separate basins were being discharget in such a way that large mud flats were always available to the breeding birds. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters.)
Descriptors     BIRDS