Author/Editor     Tomažič, Mojca; Andoljšek, Dušan
Title     Spremembe števila in prostornine trombocitov pri idiopatični trombocitopenični purpuri
Translated title     Platelet number and volume changes in idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 67, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. I-73-6
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Mean platelet volume (MPV) is increased in stress thrombopoesis. Conditions for platelet production in idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) are changed and the same is true after treatment. These possibly could have influence on MPV. If we belive the hypothesis that platelet production is regulated to maintain a constant circulating platelet mass, there could be the correlation between platelet number and MPV in ITP. Methods. 29 healthy blood donors and 73 patients with ITP were examined. Blood samples with K-EDTA were analysed by cell counter Coulter STKS System for platelet number and MPV. Analyses were done one hour after venepuncture. Results. There are statistically significant differences for MPV in ITP patients and controls. Differences are more pronounced after splenectomy and less in patients groups with no treatment or with corticosteroids. There is a negative correlation between platelet number and MPV in controls and splenectomy group of patients. No correlation was found in patient group with no treatment or with corticosteroids. Conclusions. MPV is increased in ITP. There is a significant negative correlation between platelet number and MPV in controls and splenectomy group of patients. No correlation was found for platelet number and MPV in corticosteroids and no treatement grou of patients. Platelet pool in the spleen, which can not be assesed, probably influence the data for these patient groups. If we consider the hypothesis that platelet production is regulated to maintatin a constant circulating platelet mass, than such a mechanism is operating in ITP after splenectomy.
Summary     Izhodišča. Povprečna prostornina trombocitov (MPV) se v pogojih stresne trombocitopoeze lahko zveča. Pri idiopatični trombocitopenični purpuri (ITP) gre za spremenjene pogoje nastajanja trombocitov in bi motnja lahko vplivala na MPV. Če upoštevamo hipotezo o regulaciji trombocitopoeze prek vzdrževanja stalne količine (število x prostornina) trombocitov, potem je lahko odnos med Številom trombocitov in MPV ohranjen tudi pri ITP. Metode. Preiskali smo 29 zdravih krvodajalcev in 73 bolnikov z ITP (32 nezdravljenih, 25 zdravljenih z glukokortikosteroidi /GK, 16 po splenektomiji/SPL/). Število trombocitov in MPV smo določilis pomočjo števca Coulter STKS Systems. Vzorce krvi smo vzeli v epruveto s K-EDTA. Število trombocitov in MPV smo določili eno uro po odvzemu krvi. Rezultati. Ugotovili smo statistično pomembne razlike med MPV kontrolne skupine in MPV bolnikov z ITP. Razlike so največje pri bolnikih po splenektomiji, manjše pri nezdralvjenih in zdravljenih z GK. Obstaja pomembna negativna povezanost med številom trombocitov in MPV pri zdravilih in pri bolnikih po splenektomiji. Povezanost ni pri zdravljenih z GK in nezdravljenih z ITP. Zaključki. MPV je pri ITP zvečan, ni pa razlik med zdravljenjem na različen način. Ni mogoče oceniti, če stopnja motnje vpliv ana MPV. Obstaja negativna povezanost med številom in MPV pri zdravih in bolnikih po splenektomiji. Povezanost ni pri tistih, ki niso zdravljeni ali pa so zdravljeni z KG. Lahko, da je to posledica vpliva trombocitov, zadržanih v vranici. Če upoštevamo hipotezo o regulaciji trombopocitoeze prek količine trombocitov, je ta mehanizem ohranjen pri ITP po splenektomiji.