Avtor/Urednik     Bošnjak, R; Dolenc, VV
Naslov     Motor function following microsurgical repair after radial nerve injury
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Stalberg EV, de Weerd AW, Zidar J, editors. ECCN 98. 9th European congress of clinical neurophysiology; 1998 Jun 4-7; Ljubljana. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore,
Leto izdaje     1998
Obseg     str. 33-7
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Eleven male patients with complete transection and defect of the radial nerve were tested for maximal contraction force, fatigability and cross-sectional area of the wrist extensor muscle at least 9 years (13 yrs +- 3) after microsurgical repair. The maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) and tetanic contraction (TC) forces were measured and compared in the injured and noninjured extremities. The MVC force had recovered by up to 62.7% +- 23 (p<0.05, paired t-test). Cross-sectional area (CSA) recovered 82,9% +- 14,3 (P< 0,01, paired t-test, not significant). Calculated ratio MCV/CSA recovered by up 76,4% +- 25,5 (P<0,05, paired t-test). Increased fatigability of reinnervated wrist extensors was found in all patients. Randomness of reinervation is the most critical pathological event after nerve suturing. Radial nerve is predominantly a motor nerve and innervates a group of synergistic muscles and hence the mismatching is less damaging the final results.